Though daunting, the task of electronic signing PDF files should not take more than a few clicks. has been translated into 24 different languages, which can be changed at any time by clicking the language option at the lower top-right corner of any page on our site. With a large following north of 40 million monthly users, we try our best to adapt our tools for users from all over. Even mobile devices are compatible, through your mobile internet browser. Therefore, you and your friends and colleagues can access our eSign tool, regardless of whether you are on a Mac, Windows, or Linux machine. All that is required is a working internet connection, an internet browser, and a couple of minutes of your time. As an online service, the website Smallpdf can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere. The operating system that you use is never a question for us. How to electronically sign PDFs on Mac or Windows
For instance, to specify where on the document the recipients should sign, or what other info is to be included. An optional, personalized message can be attached to the initial email if needed. Reminder emails will also be sent to ensure that you get your signatures at the end. Make sure all of the entered email addresses are correct! We will send these documents by email for them to view, create, and sign. You can request a PDF to be signed electronically by as many party members as you wish. To request another party to electronically sign a PDF, on the front page of the Sign PDF page, choose “Invite signers” and we then walk you through the process of requesting a signature. For more information, do check out the Pro page! Remember to check in with local laws on the legality of electronic and digital signatures in your country.
As such, you can seamlessly join, cut, shrink, or transform your PDF files in any way you’d like. Having a Pro subscription also will grant you access to all other PDF tools. The signature, as well as the time when it was signed, can be verified with common PDF readers, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. This process provides a digital sealing with an LTV enabled timestamp under our name - Smallpdf GmbH.
The method of signing is the same, but once you create an electronic signature with Smallpdf, we will convert it to a cryptographic signature. Digital signatures are possible for Pro users.